Practice Policies.

Your Data.


You can find all of our data policies—including our website privacy policy, and guidance on how we as a practice process your data—by visiting the Your Data page at the link below.

Violent & Abusive Patients.

The practice, along with the NHS, has a zero tolerance to violent and abusive patients. We have a duty of care to our staff and other patients to ensure a safe environment. Any patient who is abusive to the staff will be given a warning about their behaviour and if they continue to be abusive they will be removed from the doctor’s list and will no longer be registered at the practice.

Any patient who is violent will be reported to the police and will be removed from the practice list immediately.

Comments & Complaints.

We aim to provide a high quality service and are very interested in hearing any constructive comments you may have.

The practice has an approved complaints procedure and we always welcome the opportunity to deal with any part of our service that is causing you concern.

Please contact our Practice Manager by letter, telephone or in person to take advantage of this service. Your complaint will be acknowledged within 5 working days, and we aim to have investigated your complaint within 30 days of the date you raised it with us.

To view our full Complaints Procedure, click the button below.

If you wish to file a complaint, please click the button below to download our Patient Complaint Form.